I carry on with my travel in Scotland! Another stop was in
Loch Lomond. It represents the largest surface area of fresh water Loch in the UK and has got the best surroundings.
We spent our day in the little village of
Balmaha, on the right river of the loch.
In the morning we walked on Conic Hill across fairy trees and torrents.

Suddenly we met a little deer, unfortunately I hadn' t enough time to take a picture!

Then we went to the pier to see the Loch.

It was so relaxing! Then it was time for lunch and we went straight to the
"Oak Tree Inn". Obviously I chose to come to Balmaha for this restaurant. I read so many good reviews about it that I couldn't miss it!

The "Oak Tree Inn" stands in the shade of a 500 years old oak tree and Sarah and Lucy Fraser are the owners.
They serve fresh food with recipe of the Scottish tradition. We were quite curiuos about the
Atlantic Char. It is both a freshwater and saltwater fish in the Salmonidae family, native to Arctic, sub-Arctic and alpine lakes and coastal waters. No other freshwater fish is found as far north. It is one of the rarest fish species in Britain, found only in deep, cold, glacial lakes, mostly in Scotland.The Atlantic char is closely related to both salmon and trout and has many characteristics of both.
So when we ordered our lunch we asked for Artic char and...look how it looks delicious!

It was very tasty without useless sauce but with fresh vegetables. Great choice!
And then was time for dessert, time for my favourite British cake, Banoffee Pie,

perfectly made by the Fraser Ladies.
We ate in the Bar room, covred with the wood of and old elm and with a big fireplace in the centre.
I wish I could go there again, maybe in winter when outside it's snowing and you can relax in front of the fireplace! Maybe one day...
The Oak Tree Inn
Loch Lomond G63 0JQ
Tel: 01360 870357
Fax: 01360 870350
Italian Version here!